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I met Justine at a crucial moment of my life. Desperate for change in my personal and professional life but not knowing where to start, I needed courage and help. Courage to overcome chronic body pains, courage to face myself in the mirror, courage to leave a dream job behind. Immediately, I felt good in her presence. Her non-judgmental and encouraging attitude made me a positive being within no time. Having had the privilege to spend a full weekend of healing and relaxation with Justine, I can now say that it was a life-changing event. A transmission of positive and strong energy mixed with personal realignment. She’s a gifted being devoting her heart into making other human beings recover their sacred fire.

Aurelien S

Vernon, British Columbia, Canada

"I approached Justine from Jream Therapies because I was curious about Reiki healing and I had never tried this type of healing before. Justine helped me by making me feel comfortable with the process and explained what would happen during the session. She helped me understand my body and how to become more balanced in my life and was very engaging by finding out more about my life in a non intrusive way.

The result was I felt recharged, relaxed, and when friends asked me about this I felt like I had just received facial or massage I felt free from any worries and ultimately lighter, I was energised. One thing I liked was her genuine approach I found the experience brilliant.

It was a feeling I've never felt before and its hard to explain in words. I would recommend Jream to people who need to feel good, to feel relax, to take time out for themselves and work on strengthen their mind, body and soul, it was a magical experience which I have shared with many of my friends and family. I'd encourage anyone to try this for themselves."

Melinda. M

Gold Coast QLD, Australia

"I was both excited and intrigued going into my first ever reiki treatment session at with Justine.
My skin itched from an ongoing case of allergies and hives, I was feeling out of sorts but didn't know why and I must admit I had come very close to not going that evening as I wasn't sure I was wasting my money or not! I am so glad I did!
I immediately felt at ease when Justine, the young reiki practitioner, answered the door of her home clinic with a big warm smile and a relaxed friendliness that I hadn't experienced before.
I had heard that Practitioners lay their hands either lightly on or just above people’s bodies, to redirect the flow of energy but I wasn't sure how I would feel about that and whether it would actually work.
Justine put me at ease when we went through the steps of what would happen in our session.
During my "treatment" I felt a feeling of peace and tranquility and felt totally at ease with Justine and could feel changes almost immediately. 
In what seemed like hours, I was turned from a stressed out workaholic into a peaceful almost transient state.
After she finished Justine spoke to me at length about what I might feel in the following week before our next session. 
The next few days blew my mind and certainly took away any doubt that my Reiki session had worked. 
I had continual headaches, my kidneys ached, I felt lethargic and certainly feeling like I had transformations going on in my mind and body. 
This continued for a few days and then eased just like Justine had said would happen.
My next treatment a week later dispelled any doubts that still may have existed. 
I came away MORE peaceful, MORE relaxed and feeling like a person years younger. The next day and following week was such an amazing feeling of calm! It was like I was standing on the edge of a river and watching the stresses of life wash by me.
During the next 3 sessions of being met with Justine's beautiful warming smile and relaxing discussions on how I would be feeling each week I could feel myself embracing the therapy and sliding into what felt like a different body and mind!
In 2 months I went from your typical stressed and hyper workaholic to a person more at peace with the world and myself.
I definitely recommend Jream Therapies and Justine to bring you back to your optimum level, giving your body and mind the best opportunity to cope with life and everything it throws in front of you!”
Kenn. H
Gold Coast QLD, Australia

My experiences with Justine at Jream Therapies have been life changing.  

I was privileged to be apart of her first Inner Goddess Jream Reatreat here in Wagga Wagga an the light and love felt over those two days was phenomenal; with yoga meditation an the knowledge Justine shared i have been able to enjoy this beautiful journey of life on a whole entire new level.

I have also received numerous Healings from Justine, which have been such a beautiful gift.

Never have I felt so much love and light, with each healing I've experienced every aspect of my life improve and I am eternally grateful. xxx

Alexandra U

Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia

Deciding to complete reiki level 1 & 2 was such an easy decision to commit to when I met Justine. The course had a very genuine & open vibe. Justine gave plenty of time to talk one on one about any questions people had & also gave participants time to themselves to journal & to process the learning material. There was a lot of opportunity for practical experience which is so important to gain confidence in reiki healing. This course has given me a gift that I can use for myself & give to others.

Lisa E

Wagga Wagga NSW, Australia

Justine is a passionate woman with a natural talent. Her healing hands and heart are a pure gift to anyone who meets her. Thank you Justine for the most beautiful hour of healing.

Danielle U

Wagga Wagga NSW, Australia

Justine has awakened in me the connection back to my own heart centre and truth, through the time we've been working together. I'll never forget the space she held in the goddess circle before I took my Shamanic Training, which was so special in my journey so far. Her guidance has been key at so many huge transitions I've experienced this year. I'm so grateful for all that you are, for the clarity that I've gained, the wisdom you've shared and all the gifts that have come from our sessions and your goddess circles

Samantha B

Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia

I cannot recommend Justine highly enough, she really has done the work and knows her stuff. She is such a powerful healer and her guidance and coaching has brought so much growth into my life. Thankyou Justine ❤️❤️

Meeghan G

Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia

Justine has helped and supported me through a very challenging time in my life. I feel blessed to have her in my life and her guidance has assisted me to move forward from the dark times and see a wonderful future ahead of me. I am standing in my strength and utilising the tools she has given from her beautiful heart. She has encouraged me to go into my heart and reconnect with my true self. I cannot recommend her enough. Thank you Justine for your love and support.

Jan M

Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia

I absolutely adore Justine, she is a very beautiful soul who has taught me so very much and continues to guide and inspire me each and everyday. Her Reiki workshop was pure magic, and the connections I have made through the various workshops I’ve attended are soul deep, just being in Justine’s presence is uplifting and inspiring, I love being a part of her community.

Tanea B

West Wyalong, NSW Australia

Justine is such an amazing woman, with a beautiful and caring soul. The things she has helped me overcome and taught me about life is amazing. I’ll be forever thankful. If you’re in a dark place or a little lost, she is the light you need in your life.

Rhys L
Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia

Justine has a strong sense of intuition and emotional understanding. She is calm in demeanour, has a wise old soul and holds a nurturing space in which to heal and rejuvenate. She is able to create strong, meaningful connections with students that facilitates her healing aura. Her Yin-Reiki classes are divine, healings that nurture and rejuvenate and workshops that guide and nourish expanding the mind, body and soul. She has an ability to provide the guidance to help you to find your own internal strength within. Feeding your own soul, and therefore opening the door to bringing the best version of you to light. 

Justine’s ability to impart knowledge, teaching and guiding you to understand your own Chakra, Yoga style, the cycles of the moon, reiki, sound healings, meditations and to explore alternative medicine is invaluable. 

She has strong sense of personal integrity and is a creative nurturer with a true talent for helping others. Justine advocates for each person’s individual health and well-being with creative sensitivity to customise healings and treatment to create balance and restore order. She is a lifelong practitioner and continues her own professional self-development. 

I would highly recommend Justine.

Alana P

Sydney, SW Australia

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